
Art career:
Productivity today 78%

1984 born in Munich/Germany, lives in Berlin/Germany

2005-2009 studies of education and media science at KIT in Karlsruhe/Germany

2010-2015 Studied fine arts at the Städelschule in Frankfurt am Main/Germany with Prof. Willem de Rooij

2012-2018 Studied media art at the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Karlsruhe/Germany with Prof. Sir Isaac Julien and Prof. Omer Fast

Patrick Alan Banfield is a video artist living in Berlin. Much of his work deals with masculinity and self-awareness, moving intuitively in a field between scientific classification and emotional subjectivity. In his work, Banfield moves in an elusive space between reality and fiction. He is interested in the construction of narratives, particularly how stories change when levels are ambivalent in their perceived authenticity, such as in the level of film-within-a-film narrative. He is currently a fellow of the Hessische Kulturstiftung with the project SOYBOY, which shows very different perspectives on masculinity and meets representatives of the New Right in the USA to confront them with their self-image of (toxic) masculinity. Patrick is also a fellow of the Neustart Kultur program with the experimental documentary SARATOV, that investigates rape of inmates within in the Russian prison system.

He is currently concentrating on the 8-part docu-fictionary series “The Future is Open Source!” on open source culture for streaming, his first feature film about a man who unjustly kills men, and producing various art-house productions. Together with cinematographer Nicolas C. Geissler, he runs the film agency neuzeit Filmagentur, based in Karlsruhe and Berlin for 19 years to this date.

He is a member of the berufsverband bildender künstler*innen berlin, the Bundesverband Regie (BVR), the Berufsverband Dokumentarfilm (AG DOK) and the Filmverband Südwest.

His works have been shown at the Yuz Museum, Jakarta (2013), galerie 1m3, Lausanne (2013), Basis, Frankfurt am Main (2013), Loop, Barcelona (2013), Berlin Biennale (2014), Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt am Main (2015), Museum für Neue Kunst, Freiburg im Breisgau (2018), MEWO Kunsthalle, Memmingen (2018), Palazzo Strozzi, Florence (2019), Yeltsin Center, Yekaterinburg (2020), Kunsthaus Wiesbaden (2022), galerie weisser elefant, Berlin (2023), Kunstbezirk, Stuttgart (2023), Kunstverein Walldorf (2024), among others.

Selected press

Portrait on Hessische Kulturstiftung

Portrait on Ato

“Kein Problem mit Kommerz: Filmemacher Patrick Alan Banfield” on Die Rheinpfalz

Selected jury participations

Experimental film (2024) for Annual Aarhus Film Festival

Experimental film (2022, 2023) for International Film Festival Cologne (IFFC)

Neustart Kultur, Modul D: Digitale Vermittlungsformate (2022) for Deutscher Künstlerbund e.V

Art career:
Productivity today 78%